quinta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2010

Aung San Suu Kyi , Nobel de la Paix, à proximité de la liberté

fonte/ Paris Match.
Une faible lueur dans la nuit. Le ministère indonésien des Affaires étrangères, Marty Natalegawa, a annoncé ce que l’on pensait encore impensable il y a quelques mois de cela: la libération prochaine d’Aung Sang Suu Kyi, la principale figure de l’opposition birmane à la junte military Interrogé lors d'un sommet régional des pays asiatiques réunis à Hanoï (Vietnam), le ministre Natalegawa a expliqué que cette remise en liberté devrait intervenir lorsque la dissidente aura purgé sa condamnation. «D'après ce que nous comprenons, elle aura purgé sa peine en novembre», a-t-il expliqué à la presse. En août 2009, la dirigeante de la Ligue nationale pour la démocratie (LND) avait été condamnée à une nouvelle assignation à résidence pour avoir accueilli un citoyen américain, John Yettaw, depuis libéré. La prix Nobel de la paix, qui a passé 15 de ses 21 dernières années en prison ou en résidence surveillée à Rangoon, a déjà subi par le passé les volte-face du pouvoir birman, si bien que l’on ne peut encore envisager avec sérénité sa libération prochaine, qui pourrait avoir lieu le 13 novembre prochain, soit quelques jours après les élections législatives.

Un vrai calcul politique
A l’énoncé du verdict de la cour suprême en août 2009, qui confirmait l’assignation à résidence, le ministre malaisien des Affaires étrangères, Anifah Aman, avait justement dénoncé le fait qu’Aung San Suu Kyi ne puisse «participer à l'élection générale de l'année prochaine, qui devrait être libre et juste». Il avait aussi appelé à une réunion d'urgence de l'Association des Nations d'Asie du Sud-Est (Asean) pour «évoquer cette question qui suscite une grande inquiétude». Le 14 septembre dernier, la dictature avait d’ailleurs officiellement annoncé la dissolution de la Ligue nationale pour la Démocratie (LND), le parti d'Aung San Suu Kyi – qui avait remporté les précédentes élections en 1990. La LND avait anticipé cette décision en annonçant son refus de participer à des élections jugées non démocratiques.

Pour les spécialistes de la Birmanie, il est évident que la junte militaire au pouvoir depuis 1992 cherche aujourd’hui une légitimité. Formé en avril dernier, l’Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) - Parti de la solidarité et du développement de l'Union -, du Premier ministre Thein Sein, également général de l’armée birman, remportera à coup sûr l’élection. Selon Info Birmanie, les autres partis politiques subissent de nombreuses contraintes, au-delà même du fait que le scrutin du 7 novembre prochain risque d’être arrangé: pressions policières sur les militants, interdiction d’organiser des meetings politiques publics, contraintes financières, refus d’enregistrement de partis. Le Quai d’Orsay avait d’ailleurs exprimé son scepticisme. «De toute évidence, les conditions ne sont pas réunies pour que les élections du 7 novembre soient considérées comme démocratiques et crédibles. Nous déplorons vivement que nos appels au dialogue avec l'opposition n'aient pas été entendus par la junte, alors que ces élections auraient dû être le premier rendez-vous électoral et démocratique attendu par le peuple birman depuis 20 ans», a déclaré Bernard Valero, porte-parole du ministère des Affaires étrangères.

quarta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2010

London Etock Exchange International Metals: cai o preço do ouro.

Londres: queda no preço do metal amarelo durante o dia na London Stock Exchange International Metals num momento em que o preço do paládio deu a níveis mais altos de nove anos. Sempre que a recuperação do dólar para reduzir a demanda por metais tomado como um substituto para o investimento e para evitar flutuações nos mercados financeiros.
Tem visto uma recuperação significativa do dólar, seu nível mais alto desde a semana face ao euro e à luz das expectativas que sugerem a possibilidade de que o resultado da intensificação da compra de activos por parte do Federal Reserve Bank, no âmbito das medidas de flexibilização quantitativa perseguido pelo Banco/Fonte: .arabic.wn.com

quinta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2010

Happy birthday to Benjamin Netanyahu

Today, 21, is the niver of the premier Netanyahu. Congratulations!!!

Sergey Kislyak in the party "To Russian with love" in Washington D.C.

No flash the Ambassador Sergey and Natalia Kislyak, Betsy Cooley , Ray Kukulski and Jennifer Altemus

Sergey Kislyak in the party "To Russian with love" in Washington D.C.

Ambassador Sergey Kislyak and jennifer AlTemus foto/James Brantley.

segunda-feira, 18 de outubro de 2010

Al Khaleej newspaper write about Bahrein' Kingdom

At the level of history and the present, and at the level of future pieces, representing Bahrain in the memory of Arab and Gulf Point Hope radioactive always, was of the Arab people in this region, the port of civilization and trade, culture, and it went first migrations seek knowledge and decent living, and which was launched Vanguards Gulf community centers to the Enlightenment over Arab land.

The Bahrain was dear, and still is, a safety valve region, and portfolio balance, and evidence of coexistence between the spectrums of people per afternoon, where the national floor and ceiling, and good citizenship obsessed with everyone, and where the multiplicity of visions and ideas dedicated to serve the movement of progress, and deepen the titles of the Grand National.

From here, the open dialogue on the horizon of freedom, starting from the base of diversity and difference, an absolute necessity in the Kingdom of Bahrain today. Reform steps, which began in 2001 must continue, and all done for the sake of consolidating democracy and activating the political movement should continue, while the red line is the security of Bahrain, and no one's interest to harm it in any form. Required everyone will agree on the general principles that characterized the march past years, but with the activation of the values of freedom, justice and dialogue, and renounce violence as a means of protest or for any reason whatsoever, in the achievement of national unity, and strengthen the social fabric of civilization in all of backgrounds.

The reality of the love of Bahrain, and the strong concern to provide security and stability, is said here a sincere and heartfelt: the effort of collective towards maintaining the Bahrain society and the homeland and a space illuminated in our region, the question of the inevitability of fate, it is not wise to stand in the middle of the road towards the future seemed at the time of times, building on the experience of reality, shiny and bright, more strength and confidence.

And hope that the recent events and temporary emergency, and a negative impact in the life of the country and the people dear brother, and the underlying message to Bahrain, also they are part and an isolated island, and what happens there affects our good and bad. God is far from Bahrain and the region of evil and unpleasant surprises, and save them from all evil.

And our hearts with Bahrain and Bahrain, so goes the passion as you say the policy. Bahrain, which is the heart of action and interaction, and geography is at the heart of every Arab and Gulf, and not acquire reality only fashioned by a secure and stable.

quarta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2010

Abdullah Kanoo YBA Kanoo Group's president dies in Manama on Sunday

Gulf News.
photoManama: A large number of people have paid tribute to Abdullah Kanoo, one of Bahrain's leading businessmen, and the chairman and chief executive officer of the Yousuf Bin Ahmad (YBA) Kanoo Group, who died on Sunday.

Born in Bahrain in 1927, Kanoo died at his home in Manama. He was buried on Sunday morning at the Manama cemetery, in a funeral that attracted thousands, including relatives, friends, diplomats and businessmen. People came from Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and further a field.

Kanoo's acute entrepreneurial achievements and his devotion to philanthropic activities in particular marked him out. Considered a high achiever and a deeply compassionate man, he was much loved and admired by all who knew him.

Closely connected with Bahrain's business and social development in the 21st century, Abdullah Kanoo played an instrumental role in the progress of the country.

His business activities spanned a wide spectrum that included travel, aircraft handling, machinery sales and services, shipping, general trade, oilfield supplies and services, manufacturing, chemicals, cargo services, insurance and investments. He was the head of several companies in Bahrain and in neighbouring Saudi Arabia.

On the charity front, he built health centres, medical facilities, homes for the elderly and mosques. Three health centres and several mosques in Bahrain were built through his generous donations.

In a tribute to him, Dr Faisal Al Hamer, said Bahrain would always be grateful to Abdullah Kanoo for his generous contributions in the field of medicine. He cited the 52-bed Kidney Dialysis Centre in Muharraq, as one of his most generous contributions to people's welfare.

A number of prominent members of the business community said that Abdullah Kanoo would be missed.

"We were saddened by the tragic news," Isam Abdullah Fakroo, the chairman of Bahrain Chamber for Commerce and Industry (BCCI), said. "He was one of the most prominent people in Bahrain, who had an outstanding role in leading several business and industrial companies, not only in Bahrain, but well beyond. He also had a great role in humanitarian, social and philanthropic action."

Businessman Jawad Al Hawwaj said Abdullah Kanoo was "an iconic figure whose business prowess and love for others will always be recalled with fondness".

"He had an impressive local, regional and international presence that has endeared him to all."

Farook Al Moayyad, chairman of Y.K. Al Moayyad, said he was a great man and that "his death is a big loss to the business community".

"He was a humble and generous man. Even in the twilight of his life, when it was physically tough for him to move around, he made it a point to attend all social functions," he commented shortly after the announcement of Kanoo's death.

Afnan Al Zayani, a leading businesswoman, described Kanoo as "one of the great architects of Bahrain".

"He left behind a great vacuum that is difficult to fill up," she said.

Yousuf Al Saleh, a businessman, said the legendary businessman would be missed, even though he "will live forever in the hearts of the people".

terça-feira, 5 de outubro de 2010

Angela Petitinga faz palestra nesta quinta na Saraiva do Iguatemi sobre Empreendedorismo

A diretora técnica da Doc-Expõe Gestão Museológica e Documental, Angela Petitinga, ministra palestra no dia 07/10 , na Saraiva do Iguatemi voltada estudantes, sobre a importância do empreendedorismo e da etiqueta profissional no mercado de trabalho.

Durante o encontro, Petitinga discutirá a necessidade do estímulo ao empreendedorismo, ou seja, a formação de empresas com serviços voltados para os vários campos de atuação do museólogo. “A área de atuação do museólogo tende a crescer cada vez mais, visto que certos serviços só podem ser efetuados por esse profissional, de acordo com a regulamentação da profissão”, explica a diretora.

Os interessados devem se cadastrar através do email contato@doc-expoe.com.br, ou pelo telefone (71) 3450-1330, a entrada é franca.