segunda-feira, 27 de setembro de 2010

Prince Charles waiting New Delhi decides to open the Commonwealth Games


New Delhi: India is yet to decide who will open the Commonwealth Games next Sunday, raising the possibility of a snub to Britain's Prince Charles, who was expected to preside over the event, officials say.

Queen Elizabeth, who would normally open the Games as head of the Commonwealth, in May decided against travelling to India and has sent her son Charles in her place.

The move, which drew criticism in India, has led organisers to discuss whether the Indian President Pratibha Patil should instead open the Games in a move that would break with tradition and likely irk the royal family.

"The decision is yet to be taken," the secretary to the Indian president, Archana Datta, told AFP on Monday. "If the decision is taken, I will let the media know."

The Indian ANI news agency quoted unnamed government and Games organising committee sources as saying it would be the president. No one from the organising committee was available to comment to AFP.

An official in the British embassy in New Delhi sought to play down any friction over the role and said protocol for the ceremony was not yet finalised.

"There's no sense of a spat or battle. That's genuinely not true," the spokesman told AFP. "Precisely how the Games are opened has been under discussion for some time. There are numerous ways these things can be done."

He added that there would be "an element of jointness" between the prince and the president.

"Who stands where and who says what is still undecided and now being finalised," he said.

The prince and his wife, the Duchess of Cornwall, will arrive in Delhi on Saturday and also visit Chandigarh and Jodhpur during a five-day tour.

Delhi 2010, the biggest multi-sport event to be staged in India since the Asian Games in 1982, will feature more than 70 nations(Gulf News)

segunda-feira, 20 de setembro de 2010

João Dória Jr. traz a Lide Empresarial

Foi lançado ontem (16/09) em Salvador o LIDE BA, comandado no estado pelo advogado e presidente da Go Where Bahia Paulo Morais, o grupo que é presidido nacionalmente pelo empresário João Dória Jr.

A unidade baiana do grupo começa com sucesso, já com adesão de seis grandes empresas baianas como Lemo Passos, Construtora NM, IOB, Aratu Empreendimentos, Rede Bahia e Cyrela Andrade Mendonça.

Para incentivar as relações empresariais com as associadas do restante do país, o LIDE BA promoverá diversos eventos ao longo do ano. Segundo o presidente Paulo Morais, os temas que serão discutidos pelo Lide Bahia em 2011 são política, economia, social e sustentabilidade.
João Dória Jr. é filho do ex- deputado João Dória , foi uma pernonalidade na história da publicidade do Brasil, seu filho, João, de quem falamos, foi presidente da Embratur,da paulistur, exerceu vários cargos em diversos governos tanto no estado de São Paulo como no governo federal.
João Doria Júnior foi secretário de turismo e presidente da Paulistur, entre 1983 e 1986, na gestão do Prefeito Mário Covas na Prefeitura de São Paulo. Foi presidente da Embratur e do Conselho Nacional de Turismo entre os anos de 1986 a 1988, período do governo do então presidente do Brasil José Sarney. Também foi diretor de comunicação da Rede Bandeirantes de Televisão (79 a 82) e professor de marketing na Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado, em São Paulo (1981 a 1983).

É presidente de empresas como a Videomax Produções, a Doria Associados e a Doria Associados Editoras. É também conferencista e autor dos livros Sucesso com Estilo e Lições para Vencer.

É vice-presidente do São Paulo Convention & Visitors Bureau, diretor do MASP, fundador e presidente do Grupo de Líderes Empresariais. Edita as revistas Lide, Oscar, Gabriel, Arena, Meeting, Fórum e Empresarial.

Foi o criador do projeto Market Plaza, shopping sazonal que funciona no inverno em Campos do Jordão. Realiza eventos empresariais de grande porte, no Brasil e no exterior, que reúnem os mais expressivos dirigentes de empresas do País.

É acionista e presidente do conselho da Casa Cor, o maior evento de arquitetura e decoração da América Latina e o segundo maior do mundo. Em 2010, pela segunda vez consecutiva, foi eleito uma das 100 pessoas mais influentes no Brasil e no mundo, pela revista IstoÉ.

Em março de 2009, ingressou como colunista da revista IstoÉ Dinheiro. Com conteúdo diversificado, a Líderes apresenta novidades sobre vida empresarial, negócios, economia, mercado e relacionamento, abordando temas de grande interesse de empresários e empreendedores. No mesmo ano, foi eleito uma das 100 pessoas mais influentes do país, pela revista IstoÉ.(Wikipédia)Bom, João é tudo de bom!.

sexta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2010

Queen Rania of Jordan visited three colleges on the second day of the school year

Los colegios de medio mundo han comenzado estos días un nuevo curso escolar, pero tres escuelas públicas de Ammán (Jordania) -el instituto femenino de enseñanza secundaria de Al Usoud, el centro masculino de enseñanza primaria de Dabouq y el colegio deprimaria de Al Hudaibieh y Abu Al Milh- lo han hecho de manera muy especial: con la visita sorpresa de la reina Rania. La soberana jordana fue recibida con un estallido de gritos de alegría de los estudiantes, que se mostraron entusiasmados de descubrir a su Reina visitando las instalaciones escolares, revisando sus aulas y hablando con ellos acerca de sus problemas. Algunos alumnos fueron tan gratamente sorprendidos que hasta corrieron a su encuentro en cuanto supieron de su presencia.

Rania de Jordania deseó a los estudiantes en su segundo día de clase los mejores resultados académicos para el curso que ahora comienza y elogió la dedicación de sus maestros. La Reina, que lleva varios años volcada en su misión de fomentar una educación de calidad en Jordania, aprovechó la ocasión para hacer hincapié en la necesidad de proporcionar al alumnado un adecuado entorno de aprendizaje que aumente la motivación y la innovación y agudice habilidades que ayuden a engendrar futuras generaciones capaces y preparadas para entrar en el mercado del trabajo.(Hola)

quinta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2010

Elizabeth Warren on brilliant interview on consumer credit

foto/LA Times.
that will conceal rather than reveal how much this credit will really cost and what kinds of risks it runs.

But people in different states, for instance, know, in Florida, in Texas, that they can, in a sense, protect their homes ... completamente em falência, por isso eles vão para uma empresa de cartão de crédito e uso, de modo a que possam desempenhar em um processo de falência, ao contrário de, digamos, tirando um empréstimo. completely in bankruptcy, so they'll go to a credit card company and use credit so that they can discharge in a bankruptcy proceeding as opposed to, let's say, taking out an equity loan. É dinheiro grátis para eles, nesse sentido, e mantêm seus ativos. It's free money to them, in that sense, and they keep their asset. E o que as empresas estão dizendo é que os consumidores não são estúpidos, por isso eles têm custos elevados, altas taxas de juros, em certos casos, e porque, na verdade, eles precisam reformar as leis de falência si. And what the companies are saying is that the consumers are not stupid; that's why they have high fees, high interest rates in certain cases, and why, in fact, they need to reform the bankruptcy laws themselves.

O que as empresas de cartão de crédito estão dizendo é que os consumidores estão a ser tão racional e maximização do lucro como nós somos. What credit card companies are saying is that the consumers are being just as rational and profit maximizing as we are.

Você sabe qual é o problema? You know what the problem is? Não há provas de que é assim. There's no evidence that that's so. Os consumidores no Texas e Flórida, que poderia tirar muito mais em dívidas de cartão de crédito e, em seguida, valsa em tribunais de falência, de fato, não estão fazendo isso. Consumers in Texas and Florida who could take out a lot more in credit card debt and then waltz into the bankruptcy courts, in fact, are not doing it. Os estudos acadêmicos em que a dívida do cartão de crédito está sendo retirado e as taxas de inadimplência e quanto as pessoas estão pagando de juros mostra nenhuma diferença entre os estados como Texas e Flórida, que iria proteger os devedores, e Estados como Massachusetts e Illinois, Arkansas, o que não seria proteger os devedores hipotecários. The academic studies on where credit card debt is being taken out and where default rates occur and how much people are paying in interest shows no difference between states like Texas and Florida, which would protect the debtors, and states like Massachusetts and Illinois and Arkansas, which would not protect the debtors.

Por que isso acontece? Why is that so? É porque a maioria das pessoas, quando tirar dinheiro em um cartão de crédito, fazer o seu melhor nível mortos a pagá-lo. It's because most people, when they take out money on a credit card, do their dead level best to pay it back. Eles não se sentar e calcular racionalmente: "Bem, agora, vamos ver: Se eu maxed para fora de quanto eu poderia fazer sobre isso e tirar o máximo, eu poderia declarar falência em poucos meses mais 24 e ... enriquecer minha riqueza. " They don't sit and rationally calculate: "Well, now, let's see: If I maxed out on how much I could make on this and take out the maximum amount, I could declare bankruptcy in just 24 more months and ... enrich my wealth." Isso é um sonho de as empresas de cartão de crédito, ou talvez seu pesadelo, ou talvez seja apenas o melhor truque de relações públicas as suas. That is a dream of the credit card companies, or maybe it's their nightmare, or maybe it's just their best public relations ploy. Não há absolutamente nenhuma evidência empírica de apoio a essa alegação das empresas de cartão de crédito. There is absolutely zero empirical evidence to back up this claim from the credit card companies. Com efeito, as empresas de cartão de crédito estão sentados em volta, dizendo: "Isso é o que eu faria se eu tivesse a opção." In effect, the credit card companies are sitting around saying, "That's what I'd do if I had the option." Mas não é o que os consumidores americanos estão fazendo. But it's not what American consumers are doing. Pedem o dinheiro, e eles se matam tentando pagar de volta. They borrow the money, and they kill themselves trying to pay it back.

Por que os lucros do cartão de crédito aumentou consideravelmente ano após ano após ano, quando todas essas leis estão lá fora, protegendo as pessoas, pelo menos, em um punhado de Estados? Why have credit card profits risen sharply year after year after year, when all those laws are out there protecting people at least in a handful of states? E a resposta é, porque os americanos emprestar o dinheiro, eles fazem o possível para pagá-lo, e alguém diz que eles tem que pagá-lo em 39 por cento de juros. And the answer is, because Americans borrow the money; they do their best to pay it back, and somebody tells them they have to pay it back at 39 percent interest. Sua resposta é dizer: "Quem você está brincando?" Their response is to say, "Who are you kidding?" Não. A resposta é dizer, "Eu vou fazer o meu melhor. Receberia US $ 50? Você pegaria $ 75 este mês?" No. Their response is to say, "I'll do my best. Would you take $50? Would you take $75 this month?" e pagar e pagar e pagar. and to pay and to pay and to pay.

Eu ouço você, mas eu olho para a realidade. I hear you, but then I look at the realities. As empresas querem reformar as leis de falência, porque eles dizem que está sendo abusado. The companies want to reform the bankruptcy laws because they say they're being abused.

Não, as empresas querem reformar as leis de falência, porque é uma forma de aumentar os lucros. No, the companies want to reform the bankruptcy laws because it's a way to further increase the profits. É uma maneira de cortar a porta da última saída para famílias de classe média em dificuldades financeiras. It's a way to cut off the last exit door for middle-class families in financial trouble.

Congresso não concordo com você. Congress doesn't agree with you. Eles uniformemente votar a favor do projeto de lei de falência. They uniformly vote in favor of the bankruptcy bill. Democratas, republicanos, liberais, conservadores ... Democrats, Republicans, liberals, conservatives ... todos eles a vêem como uma grande reforma, e um que o país precisa. they all see it as a great reform, and one the country needs.

Bem, vamos ser claros sobre o Congresso e que teve a chance de falar ao Congresso. Well, let's be clear about Congress and who's had a chance to talk to Congress. O consumidor da indústria de serviços financeiros tem sido o maior contribuinte individual do ciclo eleitoral de 2000, no ciclo eleitoral de 2002, e eles estão no caminho certo para fazê-lo novamente no ciclo eleitoral de 2004. The consumer financial services industry has been the single biggest contributor in the 2000 election cycle, in the 2002 election cycle, and they're on target to do it again in the 2004 election cycle. George W. Bush, o maior contribuinte individual a seu [de 2000] da campanha presidencial foi MBNA, o emissor do cartão de crédito o segundo maior do país. George W. Bush's single biggest contributor to his [2000] presidential campaign was MBNA, the second biggest credit card issuer in the country.

E vamos deixar claro quem está do outro lado: É um grupo de famílias de classe média que estão em dificuldades financeiras. And let's be clear who's on the other side: It's a bunch of middle-class families who are in financial trouble. Eles não dão dinheiro para comitês de ação política, eles não contratam um grupo de lobistas, eles não têm um monte de anúncios de jornal, eles não recebem uma grande campanha de relações públicas vai. They don't give money to political action committees; they don't hire a bunch of lobbyists; they don't take out a lot of newspaper ads; they don't get a big public relations campaign going. ... ... Isso é quase tão torto como você pode entrar em Washington. This is about as lopsided as you can get in Washington. O senador [Russ] Feingold, de McCain-Feingold, comentou certa vez que a lei das falências deve ser o garoto-propaganda do porquê precisamos de uma reforma do financiamento de campanha nos Estados Unidos. Sen. [Russ] Feingold, of McCain-Feingold, once remarked that the bankruptcy bill should be the poster child for why we need campaign finance reform in America. É uma grande indústria multibilionária grande falando ao Congresso, sussurrando em seu ouvido. It's a great big multibillion-dollar industry talking to Congress, whispering in their ear.(

sexta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2010

Boaz Mazor One of the best dressed men of the big apple

Boaz Mazor has worked for Oscar de la Renta for forty years, having now earned that wonderful “At Large” title (although technically he is a vice-president) and this is one of those conversations that made us feel we had met someone who really relishes and celebrates life. He must have his demons because he has depth, but he is an unapologetic maximalist and we loved the exuberance of his apartment and his expansive emphasis on genuine face-to-face connection with people as opposed to the dislocated world of Facebook and Twitter and iPhoning. He was born and brought up in Israel and speaks with a rich, Hebrew-inflected accent that also sounds strongly French, which he also speaks. We loved the lengthy replies he gave to our questions as well his idiosyncratic way with the English language: “Tel Aviv! It’s the heart and the beat of the Middle East! Amazing! And the good looks ... the girls ... the boys.((New York Social Diary)

sexta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2010

Reasons for the bankruptcy of Lehman

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke waits to testify at a hearing of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission in Washington. (Brendan Smialowski, Getty Images / September 3, 2010/(Los Angeles Times)

"It was a judgment at that moment … that making that statement might have even reduced confidence further and led to further pressure," Bernanke said Thursday. "I regret not being more straightforward there because clearly that has supported the mistaken impression that, in fact, we could have done something. We could not have done anything."

Bernanke told the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission that any loan the Fed could have provided Lehman would not have stopped a run on the bank by customers.

"If we lent the money to Lehman," Bernanke said, "we would have saddled the taxpayers with tens of billions of dollars in losses."

The failure of Lehman was a pivotal event in the financial crisis. It led to upheaval in world financial markets and triggered events that led to the decision by the Fed and Treasury Department officials to rescue insurance giant American International Group Inc. and successfully push Congress for the $700-billion bank bailout fund.

The Fed determined that it could rescue AIG because it did have adequate collateral with its diverse insurance assets, Bernanke said.

Bernanke's comments came a day after former Lehman Bros. Chief Executive Richard S. Fuld blamed federal officials for his firm's September 2008 collapse.

Fuld told the commission there was a double standard in the government's decision to deny Lehman the extraordinary assistance given to other investment banks. Fed money could have helped Lehman find a buyer or given it time for a more orderly bankruptcy, he said.

Some members of the commission also have appeared skeptical of the defense by Fed officials that they had no legal way to lend money to Lehman Bros. The Fed can lend money only if it believes that there is sufficient collateral to guarantee it will be paid back.

"It seems to me the decision to allow Lehman to fail was a conscious policy decision," commission Chairman Phil Angelides said.

He said he was not accusing government officials of wanting Lehman to fail, but pointed out there were other factors, such as concerns about the public's reaction to another bailout.

Angelides noted that Bernanke didn't say in his congressional testimony nearly two years ago that the Fed was legally barred from lending to the firm. Bernanke only said that the Fed and Treasury "declined to commit public funds to support" Lehman.

Angelides also said that the commission's investigation had not found any documents showing a legal analysis of a Lehman loan or an analysis of the firm's collateral during the hectic days before its failure when Bernanke and Treasury officials were trying to arrange a sale of the firm to prevent a collapse.

In March 2008, six months before Lehman's failure, the Fed used its emergency power to help save investment bank Bear Stearns by lending JPMorgan Chase & Co. $30 billion to acquire it at a fire-sale price.

But the decision not to help Lehman was based on the Fed's concern that the money would never be repaid, Bernanke said. As a scholar of the Great Depression, Bernanke said he wanted to avoid Lehman's failure to avoid the damaging consequences of its bankruptcy.

"This is my bread and butter, and I believed deeply that if Lehman was allowed to fail, or did fail, the consequences to the U.S. financial system and the U.S. economy would be catastrophic," Bernanke said.

"It was with great reluctance and sadness that I conceded that there was no other option" than to let Lehman fail, he told the commission. "If I could have done anything to save it, I would have saved it."

Lair Kuai king do surf is a business man

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The king of surf Lair Kuai is the new representatives for the watches
Marine J12. In Long Island welcomed celebrities for a big party. No flash com a namorada Gabrielle Reece e os amigos John Gallantic and Susan Casey.